Sponsors & Friends
A long time ago, someone told us that we would not find sponsors for our spiritual events with A Course in Miracles. We decide to unbelieve that thought, and we trusted.
We have received many gifts from our friends and sponsor who in many ways have supported us through the years and have made our Enlight Festivals possible.
This page honors them all. Thank you for visiting their webs and discovering them. Just click on their logo.
If you wish to discover how you can become our Sponsor, click here to see our Sponsorship Proposal.

The food at La Paloma is created by Chef Prasuna, the "mama" of the amazing family that runs the place. She is also Carolina's A Course in Miracles student on the island of Ibiza and a devoted supporter of what we do. Thank you Prasuna!!! Thank you La Paloma Family.
The designer of the FIORONI COLLECTION, who we lovingly know as Pelush in Ibiza, supports us with her outfits and with an important donation each year. She too is an A Course in Miracles student with Carolina.
New Energy . New Speakers . New Thinking · ACIM enters its 6th decade and the UK ACIM weekend Conference -in sisterhood with the Ibiza Enlight Festival- is a celebration of how this powerful and beautiful teaching is extending. A vibrant ‘new generation’ joins to share their wisdom. See web ›
The Miracle Network is a UK-Registered Charity (reg. number 1108852), acting as a resource organisation for all things related to A Course in Miracles in the UK. They offer a free support, contact and information service for 3,500 ACIM students, mainly in the United Kingdom, although the Network also has some members overseas. 2019 has brought us close together. Thank you all!
Hierbas de Ibiza is also one of our most recurrent sponsors. They have already sponsored 3 editions of the Festival and they each time they offer their wonderful line of products and amenities. Thank you Antonio!
Pranathy's owners, Lorena and Tanit, sponsored our 2014 Festival with a lovely "eco chiringuito". Their presence made a huge difference and a place for lovely encounters. Thank you dear friends!
IntroDanza supports us in all possible ways since the beginning of the Festivals by opening our hearts to living in peace. It was conceived by Carolina Corada to honor the teachings of A Course in Miracles.
Barbro Ivarsson is a Swedish writer and workshop facilitator on topics related to stopping the habit of smoking, in Sweden. She has sponsored us 2 years and a row and is always ready to support us in any way we may need. Thank you Barbro!
When Carlos Medinilla, creator of "Proyectos Conscientes" offered to support us with the 2018 Festival's Marketing, we were delighted to accept. Thank you Carlos for all your knowledge and support. We are learning so much! See web ›

Cristina Salicio, creator of "Querido Pixel" supports us with the Festival's Web Contents Design and Digital Marketing. She is currently working with Carolina Corada for 4 years now.
Marc Osmo and Ecomedia have supported our website and design requirements since the beginning. Thank you friend!
Founded in 2007, Inspiral includes over 40 multidisciplinary artists living in Ibiza. Their cultural projects are like an engine for our social and personal development committment. They have supports the Ibiza Enlight Festivals since the beginning with the technical aspects and with their artists. Thank you guys! See web ›
Grano de Mostaza Editores is a Spanish Publishing Company. They have been our most recurrent sponsors. They have already sponsored 3 editions of the Festival and they their publications are of great support for the spiritual seeker.
The owners of Deva España in Nerja (Andalucia)are Bertil and Elisabeth Pettersson. These dear friends have been joining with the Ibiza Enlight Festival since 2015 and this year support as Sponsors. Thank you friends!
Heaven Tents sponsored the 2015 Festival with their extremely spectacular tents. We can only say thank you with a warm heart and keep our gratitude in this website. Thank you guys!